November 23, 2011

-kisah kami-

Td aku pye laa xde keje yg nk dibuat...selongkar laa aku pye hardisk uh...tersenyum sorang bile tgk gmbr aku dgn kwn2 aku mse sem 1 dulu...mke masing2 x mtng pom...lipat tudung pom xberapa pandai lg...hehhehe...tup tup aku terjumpe video yg aku bg dkt boo mse kteorang mule2 kapel dulu...hehehehe...byk sgt folder dlm hardisk nie smpai bole aku jd terjumpa kn...hehehehe..:)

November 6, 2011

-Selamat Hari Raye-

Selamat hari raya to all pye rye xde pew ygg istimewa lain sibuk duk sembelih lembu or anything else laa..but me and fmly??? Jalan2 raya..huhuhu...disbbkn kakak aq pye bhngn korban dye esk bru ley sembelih so drpd menderita kebosanan lbey laa kteorg g jln2...tmpt pilhan kteorg adlh...da puas berjalan smpai nk mlm..kterog pom decide nk blk dgn brg2 yg kteorg shopping td..masing2 mke da pnt sgt smpai smue org jd mls nk drive blk..huhuhu..mcm2 fmly aq nie the way i’m feel lucky to have them really much...mmmuuaaahhh....selamat hari raya u all...:)


November 5, 2011

~bnci yew line nie~

Aqu tersgt lah tekanan hari ini sbb aq xley nk anta mcj @ cll my boo…ape laa nseb aq kn…xtw nk slh kn sape?? So aq pom slh kn line jela…huhuhu…saket aty sgt2..dlm keadaan yg berjauhan nie…xcntct?? Perhh meguji kesabaran betul…:(hope everything will be going fine...miss dye sgt2 sbnr yew..da laa dye tue jarang online fb..urmm nseb aq laa...

To boo:
Sory syg xley nk mcj @ cll biey..mybe line dkt tmpt biey xde kot…da byk kli cll and mcj biey..hope u r oke my dear..take u soo muuucchhh biey…


November 1, 2011

- Hubby bunny hUnnY-

Nothing to say actually…just really miss my boo…
he really busy this lately because the final exam is already come..2weeks more…ooouuucchhh...

Don’t get stress oke dear..i know you can do your best oke..i always in your side

No matter what happen always be my boo..i'm waiting for you dear..:)

mohamad nazrul bin mohd kamal i really love you...u are the only one for me..

good night dear..sweet you so much..miss u so much..mmmuuuaaahhh..

-yuli-  :)